Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Britney losing weight?

Star Magazine is saying that Britney Spears is losing weight. Well, she has been going to the gym almost every day - to procure a spokesperson role apparently - but she doesn't need the money... maybe she just wants to get healthy?

I mean really, in the last YEAR Britney has been on the cover of at least one magazine every week.

She must sell a lot of copies, but if I were her, I would be really sick of it. Its like no matter what she does people will try and make a profit off her.

I personally liked her when she was in 'Crossroads'. I think she should do another movie, but not let anyone know about it, so she can actually showcase her talent.

On another note, I don't think she wrote any of her new songs, and they kind of all sound the same. But I love them nonetheless.

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