Tuesday, June 10, 2008
No More Posts
I love celebrity gossip, and may keep it up, which is why I still have this site running, but I cannot use anyone elses photos in doing that - even if I give them credit.
So stay tuned, there could be something fantastic, but for now I am going to have to say that I hope in the future I will speak to you again.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Ashley Simpson is Pregnant!

The rumours have finally been confirmed! Ashley Simpson, who married Pete Wentz a few days ago has finally announced that they are having a baby! It was confirmed on Pete's website. He says:
"While many have speculated about this, we wanted to wait until after the first trimester to officially confirm that we are expecting our first child. This is truly the most joyous time in our lives and we are excited to share the happy news and start our family."
I wonder how Jessica Simpson is feeling about this?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Now, there is no excuse

Miley Cyus is in trouble again. More pics of her with her shirt up. She is only 15!!!! And she is in the public eye. I can't believe there are more photos. What sort of message is she sending to young girls? I thought the other photos were just her being silly, but now there are MORE?!
I don't feel any sympathy for her anymore.
More Photos

ok i am way to obsessed about this the top pic is by Celebrity Vibe and is found on People Magazine's website. Click here to get their story.
I knew it!! What do you think?

Star Magazine released this picture of Lindsay and Samantha supposedly making out. There is also a photo of them holding hands. Although, I hold hands with all my friends too, this just seems more juicy.
You know what? I say GOOD FOR THEM. They obviously seem happy together, they are always smiling and always together. I just like scandal is all.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Ali Lohan is going to become - if not already - a crack whore

Before I start this post, I want to remind everyone of my last post. It has been about an hour since I last posted and it feels like steam is STILL coming out of my ears. I hate, I hate, I HATE Nicole Kidman, and she ruined what could have been the best movie on the planet. ok back to this post
Did you see her on Letterman? I am looking for the video of it now.
She was so nervous it kind of makes me feel sorry for her. Then I realise she is just an attention whore like that whole family and although I wouldn't want to - who am I kidding of COURSE I want to - I am going to watch that reality show.
Here is the video.
Australia - The Movie preview
Ok, I really want to see this, not only because I am Australian, but I mean, come ON. HOW THE HELL DOES NICOLE KIDMAN HAVE AN ENGLISH ACCENT????
She is not ENGLISH, she is supposed to be Australian, in real life AND in the film. URGH! She annoys me to no end, and if she ruins this movie just because she is a loser trying to put on a posh accent I will hunt her down...
John Mayer charged a fan $10 for a photo!
What an arrogant loser!
Look at this video! I can't believe he did that! I never really liked him and his music.
I have a long memory and I will never forget this.
What a wanker.
Sex and the City Movie!!!
I have been waiting how many years for this movie to come out? Its so funny, I can remember where I was watching the last Sex and the City episode. And my life is so different now. So so so different. So this movie is kind of like a significator of how I, and the world has grown. Man, I need to stop watching so much oprah.
Ew pimple squeezing!

Thursday, May 15, 2008
I'm going to Calgary!
Children having Children

She just turned 17. She is having a baby. I find this mortifying, that the human body would actually allow such a thing to happen. That SHE would allow this to happen to herself. I know she probably thinks she is way older than she is because she is in show business or whatever, but this image just disturbs me to no end.
Probably because I could never imagine having a child of my own when I am almost 24, a whole 7 years older than Jamie Lynn Spears. (Brittany Spears sister) I don't know... is there much more to say than white trailer trash?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Nick Hogan in JAIL

Ok - I know there hasn't been many posts recently, but the only INTERESTING thing to come out of the news recently is that Nick Hogan is in Jail for 9 months. I could have a baby and bring it to term by then. Poor kid, hopefully it will teach him a lesson.
He is in jail because of the car crash he had a while ago that left his best friend a vegetable because he wasn't wearing a seat belt. This is his mug shot.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Mischa Barton says photos were 'Photoshopped'

I didn't realise that the photos that were taken of Mischa Barton and her fugly legs was talken in Australia by Jamie Fawcett, who actually was the guy who was prosecuted for planting bugs in Nicole Kidman's home in Australia. Anyway, I don't know if they are THAT photoshopped. What do you think?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Twin Girls

I used to like Angeline Jolie a lot. When she did Girl Interrupted it was like the best movie ever. I couldn't believe it when she married Brad Pitt. Although like everyone else, I saw it coming when all the rumours started and there was a photo of them holding hands.
She has really gone downhill in my books. I mean, she has a lot of children, and does she really afford them the lifestyle that a child will be able to grow and prosper? I think they will be more likely to become famous children and drug addicts, but we will wait and see I guess.
How Cute!
Nicole Richie did an interview with Harpers Bazaar this month. And looking at the cutie photos of her and her baby I think what she said was right. She basically said that she was settling down and everything is for Harlow, her daughter. She also said something interesting when asked about Paris Hilton having a baby and getting married?
Her response;
“Ha, nooo…But I don’t think anyone would have bet on me.”
I bet she means that in the way of how she used to be a druggie, and I Bet Paris Hilton is. Ok enough slandering from me. ;)
Scarlett Johannson is releasing a CD and getting married
Reese Witherspoon may be Pregnant?

I never even thought about it until I saw this picture, but maybe she is pregnant with Jake Gylenhall's baby? That would be quite scandalous? How old is she now though? Could you imagine if she weren't pregnant though? I would hate pictures coming out of me looking fat and bloated, but I wouldn't wear those pants if I knew I was going to be photographed.
Bad Sunglasses happen to hot people
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Really? He said What?

Ha ha I thought this was a funny quote;
“He came running in and said, ‘Dad, what’s a wanker?’ “I explained to him it meant, like, being a bit of an idiot, and he replied, ‘Oh, you mean like a knob?’ “So I had to sit him down and I found out that this was coming from the 16 year olds on the bus, who had decided to teach Jack Ramsay a different swear word every day. I simply told him they were rude words and he wasn’t to use them in front of the girls (sisters) or his mother."
Gordon Ramsay talking about his son's potty mouth.
Drugs sure do a body good.
Don't mess with 50 cent
I saw this video on TMZ and thought I would post it. Its 50 cent in a concert in Angorra where his chain got stolen while he was on stage! He jumps off and runs after the theif and so does the rest of his 'crew'! Whoever stole that is BRAVE. I heard that he got it back before the show ended.
Who do you think this is?
Harold and Kumar 2
I went and saw this movie the other day. I can't believe the sequel is finally out. After years and years of waiting, the moment finally came when Harold and Kumar set off to go to Amsterdam. Although I liked the movie, nothing can top the first one. But its still really funny! Go see it!
Lindsay Lohan with Samantha Ronson
I was watching this on youtube, and I don't know how old it is, but I wanted to show you a day in the life of Lindsay. She is followed constantly by photographers asking her stupid questions, but later in the video you can see her hanging out with her girlfriend Samantha Ronson. I want to meet both of these chicks. I bet they would be interesting!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Worlds Largest Pool

I think with my trip away last weekend, I keep on looking for the next best holiday spot. I came across the worlds largest pool in San Alfonso del Mar resort at Algarrobo, Chile, California.
Its reported to have such clear water, that you can always see the bottom, even from the deep end. It measures more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, had a 115ft deep end and holds 66 million gallons of water.
I want to go on HOLIDAY!

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Pete Dougherty is getting out of Jail
Friday, May 2, 2008
Breaking News - my TV still standing after Oprah's Tom Cruise interview!

George Bush burns Jessica Simpson

Good Try Miley

Australian Fashion Week

Paris and Benji - close to getting married

I mean, they have been together for a few months, which is one of Paris' longest relationships. And Benji was quoted saying this:
“We were in love before anyone even knew we were together. We have known each other for a long time, and I’ve always known the real Paris. I always knew that she was like…wife material or serious girlfriend material. You just want to get on top of a mountain and go, I’m in love! But your fans would probably make fun of you.”
Madonna can't sing or play guitar
I found this video of Madonna performing (badly) the other day. She isnt playing that guitar and that is definite when you see the video, and she actually stops singing at one point and you can hear the backround track!!. Wow, I never thought she could go this low. But this is pretty funny. She looks so uncomfortable singing up there too!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Ryan Gosling vs KFC Canada

“Dear Mr. Bitove:
I am discouraged to hear that KFC Canada has not intervened to eliminate the abuses that birds raised and killed for KFC restaurants suffer, despite the strides that are being made by other companies. I understand that KFC Canada is still allowing its suppliers to scald chickens to death in scorching-hot water tanks and that many birds still suffer broken wings and legs because of violent treatment prior to slaughter. As a Canadian, I hope that you’ll set a good example for KFC operators in the U.S. and elsewhere by stopping the worst abuses endured by the birds killed for KFC
Canada’s buckets. Won’t you please consider setting a precedent that all other KFCs can follow? The time is ripe to do the right thing. By adopting the basic recommendations made by PETA and scientific experts (including raising birds in a more natural manner and employing less cruel slaughter methods), you could dramatically improve the lives and deaths of chickens raised and killed for KFC Canada. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,Ryan Gosling”
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I'm not going to say anything

I had this conversation with my boyfriend the other night about whether to do this post. We were talking about Lindsay and her new 'girlfriend', arguing the point whether they were or were not 'together'.
So instead I am not going to say anything, I am just going to put it out there that they have spent a LOT of time together this year, and they are together almost every day!
The reason I didn't want to do this post is because I think whatever they do in their private time is just that, private. But I mean, maybe if they came out, they would get a lot more publicity. Isn't that what Lindsay likes best?
Avril Lavigne is a loser

I have never liked Avril. She just seems like the biggest loser to me. I can't believe she has been married for so long. I wonder when she is going to follow the trend and have a celebrity baby.
Here she is informing the paparazzi that she has lost her voice. Who cares! I used to do that when I was in the third grade. It just proves my point that she is a loser.
Newlyweds 2: Ashley and Pete

I heard a rumour that there will be a new Newlyweds show featuring Ashley Simpson and Pete Wentz! I would like to say that ooh thats so gay, no one will watch it blah blah.
However me being me, I know I will watch it and get REALLY hooked. I would DEFINITELY watch it! I hope its true. But we all know, that Reality TV spells "divorce" for couples. I mean, look at Temptation Island. (ok that was a low blow, but still..)
There it is!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Lindsay Lohan really needs to wear a bra.

Lindsay was photographed at the LG Electronics Launch of the Scarlet HDTV Series the other day and I noticed that she didn't wear a bra. Uhhh... gravity anyone? Not to mention how could she not feel uncomfortable? her boobs are down to her hips almost! She would also look a lot thinner if she had just hoisted the girls up a bit.

Why are the Hills girls on the cover of Rolling Stone?

Kristen Bell saved her Catholic School uniform to wear on her wedding night
I'm sure my boyfriend might beg to differ with me though. ;)
Ricky Martin buys an Island!
Now this is just Creepy
Monday, April 28, 2008
Miley Cyrus in Vanity Fair

“You won’t be seeing her for a while. The company is keeping her away from events … They’re trying to keep her contained.”
Miley Cyrus is just everywhere with scandalous pics these days.
She did a photo shoot for Vanity Fair that has been getting a lot of attention, and not in the right way!
People say that she went too far by taking her top off for this shoot, and the fact that Vanity Fair has a reputation for always getting the 'all clear' on photos by the subjects themselves, makes it certain that she had to have known that these pics were going to be published.
I really don't think they're as big a deal as the other skanky pictures. I mean, I haven't seen the full set yet, but there were a LOT of people around her telling her what to do. She said that she thought they were artistic at the time, but she understands why people are upset. I can deal with that. This isn't a mistake of major proportions, its just a minor slip up after those other photos were released.
Mel Gibson in Jail
What Was She Thinking?
Largest Bikini Shoot Ever
Who do you think this is?

Does she not look like the ugliest, most plastic surgery nightmare ever? Well if you can believe it, its Heather Locklear!! Don't worry, its just a bad photo, cause if you look at the other one, she looks half normal. Thats what I hate about paparazzi, I mean, I have had some bad pictures of myself taken, but at least I can delete them and not have them spread out into the entire world!! Poor girl.