I didn't realise that the photos that were taken of Mischa Barton and her fugly legs was talken in Australia by Jamie Fawcett, who actually was the guy who was prosecuted for planting bugs in Nicole Kidman's home in Australia. Anyway, I don't know if they are THAT photoshopped. What do you think?
I've seen hotter legs on amputee war vets. Gross.
Seeing as how, in every other photo of her legs, they are slim (about 1/2 the size of those in the picture), and have zero dimples. This is the only photo I've seen that the legs look lumpy. Not to mention there is no fat on her arms and if her legs were that lumpy, her arms, back and other areas would be lumpy as well so I'm not buying it. This is photo shopped in my opinion. It just doesn't happen like that. You gain, you gain in more areas than just your ass and thighs, guys! Come on. Fake. Fake. Fake.
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