I have always been a little intrigued by Paris Hilton, I can't deny that. She has been so influential with my generation that its pretty hard to avoid her really. But since she started dated Benji Madden, one of the brothers from Good Charlotte, I have realised that maybe, instead of trying to be in the spotlight, these two might actually really like each other.
I mean, they have been together for a few months, which is one of Paris' longest relationships. And Benji was quoted saying this:
“We were in love before anyone even knew we were together. We have known each other for a long time, and I’ve always known the real Paris. I always knew that she was like…wife material or serious girlfriend material. You just want to get on top of a mountain and go, I’m in love! But your fans would probably make fun of you.”
I guess I am happy for them. And secretly, I am glad they are taking over the whole hype surrounding the illigitimate child of Nicole Richie's. i have always liked Good Charlotte, and what he says is just so cute.